Through the use of various colored hearts, we learned a message of the love of God for all of us.
A black heart represents our hearts when they are full of sin and we don't let Jesus in; when we continue to live however we want to live.
A red heart represents the blood that Jesus shed on the cross to cleanse us from our sins. He died for us because He loves us.
A white heart represents our hearts after Jesus has cleansed us - after we have repented and given our lives to Him, he makes us clean and new!
A green heart represents our new life. Just like in the spring, the grass will turn green again with a new life, so we have a new life in Jesus when we let Him lead us.
A yellow heart represents the streets of gold in Heaven where Jesus is preparing a place for us. He loves us so much that He wants us to be there with Him.
With this simple message, we hoped to convey to the children a message of God's love and His desire for them to know Him and give their lives to Him. That is the true meaning of love - God's love for us.
Next, we had a scavenger hunt prepared for them. They were in three teams for the hunt and were given a list of items to find that would symbolize God's love - lots of hearts - representing His love for us: sweet candy - His love for us is sweet; a stuffed animal - He provides comfort and love; a heart eraser - His love erases our sins, etc. We gave them 5 minutes to see which team could find the most items. All of the items were found just in the nick of time and the blue team had the most items found. This earned them 1000 points for their team! The orange and green teams tied and each won 750 points for their teams. The points remain very close.
On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!!
Caleb, Dylan and Erica looking for the treasure:
Don't give up - keep looking! There were 14 items hidden in Griffin Hall.
Jiliane and Cameron checking off their lists:
Chris found the last hidden item - a pencil (God is writing our story!):
Remember that they earn points several ways. They can fill out a review sheet in their team color when they arrive each week. They can participate in worship. They can win contests. They are all awarded points for bringing offering. Participation is also rewarded. Soon, we will have a winner for this quarter to choose the type of party we will have. We are looking forward to another great party!
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