Welcome to POA kid's Connection!

We are so glad that you stopped by today and pray that you are blessed by what you see. We have the opportunity to work with some of the best kids on the planet in kid's Connection every Wednesday night at the Pentecostals of Apopka during our mid-week service. While the adults are in the sanctuary, we have church in a kid friendly way that is full of worship, prayer, truth, fun and faith. Hopefully, we will get to meet you soon if we don't know you yet, or see you soon if you are family.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Week 2 - Be Confident!

KC kids never tire of worship, and they do it with all their hearts and ALL their energy. It is awesome to watch them and see their love for Jesus:

Our lesson tonight was learning how to be Confident and stand up for what is right, even when no one else is. Brother Jack was our Storyteller/Johnny Cash who sang and told the story of Elijah standing up to King Ahab.

Brother Mark was Elijah and Brother Brandon was King Ahab. They did a southern style king and Elijah that kept the kids very entertained and interested!

Elijah shares a message from God with King Ahab and his prophet (Sister Dawn!). Elijah challenges King Ahab and his 450 prophets to a showdown on Mt. Carmel. It must have taken a lot of confidence in God to stand up to a king and 450 prophets like that - especially when you feel like you are the only one who is serving God in the whole country!

Elijah wonders what is wrong with Baal - is he on vacation or busy or maybe he's asleep and they need to wake him up? King Ahab and the prophet are tired from praying so hard, but still, there is no fire on the altar.

Elijah steps up to pray to the one, true God:

King Ahab and the Prophet stand in awe as the altar "ignites" and the flames rise:

Elijah worships the God who answered with fire:

Our Superhero this week was Kid Confidence who reinforced what Elijah taught us - that when we are in a situation where everyone else is doing the wrong thing, we can have confidence in God and stand up for what is right. Our "Remember" point this week is "You can always count on God - Be Confident!"

If the kids know this next week, they will get to add their name to our drawing for the grand prize at the end of our 10 weeks. They will also have more chances when they bring offering, bring their Bible or bring a friend!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Superheroes, Week 1

We kicked off our new Superheroes unit this week in our new Children's Chapel in our Family and Fine Arts Center. This exciting unit will go on for the next 10 weeks and we are so excited to see all that God is going to do in and through our POA kids! Click on the picture below to check out some pictures from the evening! More to come soon.

superheros kickoff

Starting next week, kids can put their name in a drawing every time they: bring their Bible, bring offering, bring a guest or remember our main point from last week. (This week's was "Nothing is more powerful than God!") At the end of the 10 weeks, we will draw 5 names and those children will each win one of our Superhero cutouts! The more things they do each week, the greater the chance they have to win!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catching Up

The past few weeks have been so exciting following our Children's Crusade. We all enjoyed and were blessed by the ministry of Brother Jeremy Joyce and had an awesome time of worship, fun, learning and definitely felt the presence of God throughout the weekend.

The teachers dressed in "Crazy Praise" for the crusade:

Kid's Praise:

Kid's Praise:

As well as having awesome review games, activities and worship each week in KC, we have also been preparing for our new curriculum that will take us through the summer - SUPERHEROES - which we will start next week in our Children's Chapel in the new Family and Fine Arts Center! We are so excited about what God is going to do in our children this summer. Be sure to invite friends to come to KC each week - you never know what might happen if you do!

Misc. pictures of some of the children over the past couple of weeks: