Welcome to POA kid's Connection!

We are so glad that you stopped by today and pray that you are blessed by what you see. We have the opportunity to work with some of the best kids on the planet in kid's Connection every Wednesday night at the Pentecostals of Apopka during our mid-week service. While the adults are in the sanctuary, we have church in a kid friendly way that is full of worship, prayer, truth, fun and faith. Hopefully, we will get to meet you soon if we don't know you yet, or see you soon if you are family.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thomas, Continued

This past week in kid's Connection, we continued to learn about Thomas and the need to seek the truth in God's Word. All of the children were encouraged and challenged to read their Bible every day. The younger children, ages 5-8, were challenged to hide God's Word in their hearts. The older group, 9-12 year olds, were given a chart to follow that would help them read through Psalm 119 before we meet again and were told that they would receive a prize for doing so! Psalm 119 speaks over and over about following God's Word and meditating on it, the importance and the value of it. It is our prayer that they will read these verses and find a love for God's Word for themselves. We continue to pray for your children daily.

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